Register for Our Next Meeting


Look for meeting notices for the Fall EHS Roundtable TBA
(Usually the 1st or 2nd Thurdsday in November)

May 14 2020
EHS Roundtable
Hosted by Mosaic
Streamsong Resort
Bowling Green, FL 

Contact Us to get involved and Register Now!

EHS Managers - Please provide and submit the requested information below to register for our next meeting.  Only your name and company name will be provided to registered EHS managers and sponsors.    You will receive confirmation when your registration has been received and you will be diverted to our Paypal site for payment of the nominal registration fee ($100) by Paypal acccount or credit card.   You can also opt out of payment and send us a check.   

When you register, we will verify you are an EHS Manager or Sponsor and your registration will be confirmed.   Registration fees are non-refundable due to processing costs, but are transferrable for the same company as credit for Roundtable meetings or postings to our Classified Ads.  You will receive confirmation and a receipt when your registration has been approved.  Registration will be confirmed for the first 65 registrations.  After that, we will maintain a Wait List and confirm new registrations if registered attendees drop due to travel schedules or other schedule conflicts. 

EHS sponsors - If you represent a sponsor organization (i.e., an organization that has financial benefit by doing business with EHS managers) please contact us about sponsoring our meeting(s) and the requested level of sponsor contribution in order to attend.  We limit the number of sponsors for each meeting to ensure a high quality experience for EHS managers and sponsors. 

The list of registered attendees for the meeting is available approximately one week prior to the meeting. 

REGISTRATION NOTE:  Please add "golf-yes" to your phone number if you are iterested in playing golf May 13th, the afternoon before the meeting so we can coordinate a group rate.


May 14

EHS Roundtable

The Spring 2020 EHS Roundtable Meeting at the world-class Streamsong Resort has been cancelled. Look for future meeting notices for the Fall EHS Roundtable (usually 1st or 2nd Thursday of November). Stay tuned or contact us

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The above information is required to confirm your role as EHS manager for a regulated entity, and contact you with meeting updates. If you have any questions as to whether you qualify to attend EHS Roundtable meetings as an EHS manager or sponsor, please contact us.

REGISTRATION NOTE:  Please add "golf-yes" to your phone number if you are iterested in playing golf May 13th, the afternoon before the meeting so we can coordinate a group rate.

Please note: "* Indicates required information"